Sunday, May 19, 2013

Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. It has been heavily promoted, change of stars, new stars, new cars, all action into the third installment of the Transformers franchise.
This movie starts from the Apollo 11 mission that was intended not to put the first man on the moon but to investigate an unknown crash on the moon. Although they say the name ‘Neil’, but it doesn’t imply it is Neil Armstrong. Even so, ‘first man on the moon’, it’s obvious. So, the astronauts went to the moon, found a wrack craft, take some samples home and keep it a secret til the day they die.
Moving to the present day, where Sam has a new girlfriend, Carly, and in dire need to find a job. How come he doesn’t get a job after saving the world? Because none of it never happened. His parents, however, is rich. The girlfriend works for a car collector and racer. The Autobots find Sentinel Prime, former Autobot leader. Anyways, to sum it all up, Sam stumbles upon Decepticons plans to use the Pillars from the space craft, Arc, to transport Decepticons to Earth. Sentinel Prime betrays Autobots because his intention is to preserve Cybertronian race. Carly’s boss is the human liaison for Decepticons. Conflict happens between Autobots and humans, Autobots get exiled from Earth. Somehow, they return, fight the Decepticons and win the war.
The movie packs a lot of action every now and then. However, I can understand why some Transformers fan didn’t like the movie. To me, one let down was when Optimus Prime uses armours from the trailer and it only last few seconds; after putting them on, slash some Decepticons and takes of the armour and continue killing some more Decepticons. The armour looks cool but it only lasted few seconds? This happens twice.
Besides that, was the battle at the end, where Optimus uses his full armour, including flight suit but got entangled in some construction wires. It was cool to watch and, yes, it lasted awhile. While his team gets trashed by Decepticons, he is still hanging on the construction wires. Until the last minute when Bumblebee was almost killed that Optimus comes to the rescue and kills most of the Decepticons.
The new squeeze, Carly. Indirectly, she was the one that wins the war. How? By being smart and telling the soldiers what to do and by telling Megatron that he should be ruler, not Sentinel. Kind of like a small little conscience to everyone.
For me, the whole movie is great in terms of being an action packed movie. However, story line wise, was kind of more action-ish. One point being, ‘Are there anymore secrets that Decepticons have that could possibly take over the world?’

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