Monday, May 6, 2013

Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 is one of the most anticipated movie of 2013. The story continues from Iron Man 2, after the battle at New York City with the Avengers. In the movie, Tony is trying to cope to anxiety attacks he keeps having whenever there's a mention of New York City. The movie begins with Tony Stark recalling a New Year's Eve party in 1999 in Switzerland with a scientist he met; Maya Hansen. She shared with him about her research; Extremis. The research is about how plants can regenerate itself. And this was the key towards helping those who are crippled/disabled. There was a man; Aldrich Killian, who introduces himself to Maya and wants to work with her and fund her research through his company; A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics).
Then coming to the present day, Tony builds more Iron Man suits and can sleep due to his anxiety attacks. While that is underway, a terrorist called The Mandarin starts to threaten the President. Happy Hogan, Tony's previous right bodyguard, now takes care of Pepper Pots. When Killian comes to see Pepper Pots, Happy becomes suspicious and follows Killian's bodyguard. He sort of survives an attack and is admitted to the hospital. Tony becomes angry and issues a threat to the Mandarin. Maya, from his previous encounter in 1999, appears to warn Tony about something but not in time because Tony's home gets blown up. One of the cool part is when Tony uses his new invention; the armour can be activated through his hands movements. When his home was blown up, he activates his armour to protect Pepper. "I got you!" as Pepper uses the Iron Man suit. After saving Maya and Pepper, Tony uses the suit and return fire to the attackers. He gets suck into the water with his home. Another cool thing was his armour's hand/glove disengaged from his arm and acts as a 'helping hand' to pull Iron Man from the wreckage under the seabed. And Jarvis launch him off to Tennessee, where Tony found similarities of the bombings by Mandarin. And the world believes Tony is dead. However, he bunks in with a kid in Tennessee and fix his suit while investigating what happened in Tennessee. And soon gets discovered by Killian's bodyguard. Tony learns that the bombings that left no trail was actually a human bomb. Those army that signed up for Killian's research became invincible and are able to heat up their body or get blown off if Extremis can't be contained in their body. Tony got away from the fight with the bodyguards with the help of the boy, including helping Tony to get over his anxiety attacks. What do mechanics do? They build.
Now bent of revenge, Tony sets on to hunt down Mandarin. However, by this time, the story reveals that Maya is working for Killian, Pepper gets kidnap as leverage for Tony to help Maya perfect Extremis (it was unstable), Pepper gets injected with Extremis, Extremis is Killian's weapon of mass destruction, Iron Man suit is still down and......*spoiler alert!*....Mandarin was just a decoy. He's a Brit actor, Trevor Slattery. He squirms at Tony coming to him with a gun, not the suit. It was funny. Tony gets caught by Extremis agents. He jokes with them about how he's going fight them while tied up. But it was really about his suit coming all the way from Tennessee. This part was cool in how he fights the bad guys while getting piece by piece of his suit. But the question at this point would be, Mandarin? Why? There's two ways of seeing this:

  1. As we may know, Mandarin is the oldest enemy of Iron Man. However, in this movie, he was just a decoy, which may be disappointing to fans. Perhaps the real Mandarin could be in another movie (or Universe, comics are known for creating alternate universe where there's a different story to the superheroes we initially know).
  2. It takes on a new breath because Aldrich Killian is also an enemy of Iron Man. He first appeared in Iron Man comics in 2005. In the comics, he was selling Extremis to terrorists but later killed himself because he was overwhelm with guilt. This is different from the movie.

So this could be a different turn in the Iron Man story as we popularly know. Anyways, back to the story, Killian's main plan was to kidnap President Ellis and kill him on live tv and use the vice-president as a puppet because the vice-president wanted a cure for his crippled daughter through Extremis. The Iron Patriot, aka War Machine (new name from serving the country), goes on a wild goose chase tracking down, supposedly, locations of the Mandarin. Unfortunately, he is lured into a trap and his suit taken. In his place, President Ellis is put in the suit and hung up high at an oil-drilling platform. And Tony and Rhodes come to the rescue. However, there are Extremis agents all around. So what does Tony do in this kind of situation? Reinforcements! This is one I was waiting for. All his Iron Man suits appear to take out the agents. It's exciting to see all the suits. Kinda makes you wonder, why was Tony busy fixing  his main suit, when he had a whole closet of Iron Man suits undamaged from the attack at his home? And we get to see, similar to The Avengers scene, when Tony jumps of platforms and one of his suits would come and suit up. There were a few times he tried and his suit gets damaged. His main suit came to the rescue but as soon as he puts it on, it fell apart. So much for fixing the suit, throughout the movie.
As the battle of agents and suits continues, Tony tries to save Pepper but fail. Some may anticipate that the fall was not the end (remember Pepper was injected with Extremis?). So Killian and Tony (most of the time his suits get torn off) fights, and Killian died from the blast (with Tony's hand movements/activation, his suit was put on Killian and contained. Killian blows up in the suit). However, Killian survives and just when he was about to kill Tony, Pepper appears from the burning wreckage and kills Killian. Tony tells Jarvis to activate self-destructs on all his suits as to show his loyalty to spending time with Pepper.
The end is vice-president gets arrested, Mandarin or Trevor Slattery gets arrested, Tony research on Extremis to cure Pepper, Tony's arc reactor and sharpnel is removed from his heart, throws his arc reactor to the sea and say he will always be Iron Man. It indicates that Tony finally found a way to cure his heart. Throughout the story, Tony is kind of working on his own without the suit and this could have lead to him saying "I will always be Iron Man!". I was expecting the ending to be.......Tony transformed as Iron Man but it didn't happened. It could either be cool or weird because he should retain his human side.
In the post-credit, as in most superhero movies, it shows Tony telling his story to Dr. Bruce Banner, whom fell asleep. "Where did I lost you?", "Switzerland".

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