Monday, July 8, 2013

TRON : Legacy

TRON Legacy is a sequel to the 1982 film, TRON. The story tells of Flynn, who now has a son, Sam. Sam grew up without a dad. One day, he stumbles upon the game his dad created, TRON and was digitize into the world of TRON. And he meets his dad, rivals, a gal and they all are in search to find a way out of TRON into the real world. As CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) is revealed in the likeness of Flynn, it is soon known that CLU is the baddie. CLU was built as to manage the digital realm. Tron was built as the security programme created by Alan. The disc on the back of each characters is their identify disc that contains all information of who they are. And the discs are use as a weapon. However, Flynn's disc is the main disc that contains all information and the key to escaping through the portal. Kinda like the master key to everything in digital realm. In one scene, as Quorra's hand was cut off (which makes you wonder, other programms will be derezzed (or killed, eliminated, deresolve) when they get cut off, but how come Quorra's hand is the only casualty), anyways, in one scene, we see Flynn opening the disc and playing around with some settings. Kinda like fixing the DNA of Quorra. As to CLU's objective was to create perfection, CLU soon realises that the ISOs (Isomorphic Algorithm) were imperfect of the digital realm. Hence, CLU destroys the ISOs. Flynn however, was in awe that there were ISOs appearing, to discover more as it may answer the questions of religion, science, and medicine. Soon CLU believes that Flynn isn't perfect, hence decides to eliminate Flynn. But CLU is stopped by Tron, which we see is about to be killed. As Sam is sucked into the game, after escaping CLU, he finds Quorra, an ISO that is looked after the Flynn. As they find a way to escape, through the portal, they encounter battles with CLU and his army, including his right hand man, or programme. Towards the end, we see the right hand man actually being Tron that was reprogramme by CLU to be bad. Tron soon turn good and dives into CLU's ship to give time to Sam, Quorra and Flynn to escape. However, CLU catches up with them at the portal. Flynn sacrifices himself in order to save Sam and Quorra. Sam and Quorra escaped into the real world. And Quorra's dream of feeling the sun's ray was fulfilled when Sam brought her on his bike in the morning as the sun rises.
Watching this movie, I would say it would fit for those into the cyber or gaming world. It would take some time to understand the lingo. However, for Flynn’s character, his lingo sticks with the ‘hey dude’ era because he has been trapped in TRON all this while. The effects for the film is cool and if only we had a stick that can be transformed into a vehicle of sorts.
However, after watching TRON Legacy, I went on to watch the original TRON (1982) and it was cool in the ’80 era days. Watching the 1982 version made me want to say the word ‘psychedelic’. There are similarities between both movies, example: When Flynn enters through the big door, he said ‘That’s a big door’, this was similar when Sam sneak into the office. Even though a short insertion of such, it was part of the essence of the first to the second movie. Besides that, of course visual effects was a huge difference. The technology they had in 1982 compared to 2010 was visually impossible to miss. Example: the cardboard-like suit to the computer-generated suit, and the light effects of the light cycle.
Overall, the movie’s main attraction for me was the visual effects and I would love to see a sequel.

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