Monday, June 10, 2013

After Earth

After Earth is a movie by M. Night Shyamalan starring father-son; Will Smith and Jaden Smith. It is basically a story about human beings forced to leave earth a thousand years after environmental cataclysmic events. One day a military father and his son crash landed on Earth. In this movie, it is also a story of a son proving to his father that he can be a soldier just like his father.
The story begins a thousand years after the environmental cataclysmic event. The Ranger Corps, headed by General Cypher Raige, fights the Skrel, an alien race who wants to conquer the Nova Prime. Nova Prime is the new world for humans. Cypher, in the fight with Ursas, Skrel's secret weapon to kill the humans, teaches 'ghosting' to the new Rangers. However, Cypher's son, Kitai, was not a pride of his due to his recklessness.  His sister, Senshi, was killed by an Ursa. Due to this, Kitai keeps training to prove his worth.
On a mission together, their ship crash landed on a Class-1 quarantined planet, known as Earth. Cypher and Kitai are trapped on Earth. Cypher encounters injuries to his legs causing him immobility. So it's up to Kitai to find a backup beacon that was part of the ship.
As Kitai embarks on his journey, he encounters wild animals. Kitai's weapon, Cutlass (long pointy stick like a javelin). As Cypher told his son, "Everything on this planet has evolved to kill humans.". In one incident, Kitai is attacked and his capsules (for oxygen) are damaged. Cypher accepting the reality, asked Kitai to abort mission and return back. However, Kitai ignores his orders because Kitai still feels that his father sees him as a disappointment. So, Kitai charges on with his mission. He is, then, captured by a condor when he skydives from a mountaintop (there's a scene in the trailer). In the condor's nest, Kitai encounters a group of tigers coming after the next. He defended the nest but still the eggs were destroyed. However, the condor understand Kitai's effort. In one scene, Kitai fell asleep on the raft he made to cross the river, Kitai had a dream of his sister, Senshi, whom assured Kitai it isn't his fault. As Kitai awakes, Earth experiences another thermal shift (it happens once in awhile throughout the movie. Thermal shift causes the temperature to drop). As he tries to survive the thermal shift, the condor returns to save him but it died in the process.
Kitai finally finds the backup beacon along with a weapon, communicator and more capsules. Kitai also finds that the ship was carrying Ursa that was meant to train the Rangers. But because the ship crashes, the Ursa escapes and kills all the crew. Kitai tries to activate the beacon but couldn't (there wasn't any signal). So Kitai had to go to the nearby volcano. He is attacked by the escaped Ursa. Kitai remembered his father's instructions and his sister's words. He 'ghost' himself and kills the Ursa.
It ends with Kitai launches beacon, Cypher respects Kitai, and both return to Nova Prime.
Throughout the movie, it explores a father-son relationship. It's a new take in father-son relationship-type-movie in a futuristic scene. It was average for a futuristic movie but wasn't the best especially coming from a director that has been seen to have taken a turn in making sold out movies. Shyamalan, in his early directing years, made good-thought-provoking movies, but nowadays, you'll probably think twice before watching his movies. Actors, however, were A-list actors but reports says that this movie was not the best for them.
Anyways, here's the trailer:

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