Monday, February 24, 2014


Crisis in an upcoming series. Set for action and thriller, the series is by NBC and created by Rand Ravich. The series will premiere on 16 March 2014.
According the the series' synopsis on NBC (,

"To bring the most powerful people in the world to their knees...threaten what they hold most dear. It's field trip day for the students of Ballard High, a school that educates the children of Washington, D.C.'s elite, top-of-their-industry CEOs, international diplomats, political power players, even the President's son. But when their bus is ambushed on a secluded rural road, the teenagers and their chaperones are taken, igniting a national crisis. Now, with some of the country's most powerful parents at the mercy of one vengeful mastermind, the question arises: How far would you go and what would you become to ensure your child's safe return? With so many parents and dignitaries put into play with nowhere to turn and no one to trust, the unthinkable grows from the select families at risk to an entire nation at stake. "Crisis" stars Gillian Anderson ("The X-Files"), Dermot Mulroney ("August: Osage County"), Lance Gross ("House of Payne"), Rachael Taylor ("666 Park Avenue"), James Lafferty ("One Tree Hill"), Max Martini ("Pacific Rim"), Halston Sage ("Neighbors"), Stevie Lynn Jones ("Runaways"), Max Schneider ("How to Rock"), Michael Beach ("Insidious: Chapter 2") and Joshua Erenberg ("Suburgatory"). The series was created by executive producer and writer Rand Ravich ("Life"). Far Shariat ("I Love You Phillip Morris," "Life") and Phillip Noyce ("The Giver," "Salt") also serve as executive producers. Noyce also directed the pilot. "Crisis" is a production of 20th Century Fox Television."
The series has a strong cast, including YouTube star, Max Schneider. There seems to be a lot of YouTube stars coming up on series (Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, etc...). Just looking at the promo video, the storyline seems solid and I look forward to see the new series.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Déjà vu Movie Posters : Backside

Movie posters are just a draw to look at. And for every movie, there's definitely more than one movie posters. From time to time, we do get that Deja vu moment of..."that looks familiar" or "didn't I see that before?"
Here are movie posters that had the Deja vu effect, covering the backside overlooking the city, earth or planet:


Fifty Shades of Grey

Captain America : Winter Soldier

Ender's Game

The Dark Knight

Mad Men


Resident Evil : Retribution

The Dark Knight
credits to

Thursday, February 13, 2014

RoboCop (2014)

RoboCop is out and it's the reboot of the previous RoboCop. The movie stars Joel Kinnaman, Michael Keaton, Gary Oldman, Abbie Cornish and Samuel L. Jackson.
The movie starts with 'robot soldiers' being used overseas as to in the US. OmniCorp wants to sell their products in the US but is stopped by the Dreyfuss Act. The Act disagrees with having robots as law enforcers because it lacks the compassion and feeling of a human. OmniCorp CEO Raymond Sellars decides, in order to get around the Dreyfuss Act, decides to put a man in a machine. In order to find a man that can interact with the machine, Sellars gets Dr. Dennett Norton to assist. Dr. Dennett is the doctor in helping people using robotics to their body, such as a man using his robotic hands to play a guitar.
While searching for the right candidate, Officer Alex Murphy and his partner, Jack Lewis, investigate a case of guns from the police evidence room gone missing. However, they get ambushed and Jack Lewis gets injured. Murphy poking in deeper into the case gets the attention of 2 other officers who are corrupted and working with Antoine Vallon. Vallon is the top guy in the missing guns. As Murphy returns from the hospital, visiting Jack, his car gets planted with explosive. And as you can predict, the car exploded, leaving Murphy with burns and missing limbs. He became the perfect candidate for OmniCorp's program. Dr. Dennett convinces Murphy's wife, Clara, to consent to the program.
As Murphy is introduced into the new outfit, he first, rejects the program. With Dr. Dennett's help, he is able to overcome the program. As he goes through a series of test, Murphy began to show that his emotions gets the better of him. Sellars instructs Dennett to take out Murphy's emotion (there's a scene of a brain surgery) and making Murphy believe that he is in control of his own body, where in fact, it's not. Rick Mattox is assigned to test Murphy. Mattox is OmniCorp's military technician. Mattox does not like RoboCop.
Upon the reveal of RoboCop by the police force, Murphy gets downloaded with the police database into his brain. It gets overwhelming and RoboCop goes into a seizure. But OmniCorp needs him up and ready for the reveal. Hence, Dr. Dennett gets forced into subduing RoboCop's emotion. As a result, RoboCop's becomes unemotional.
At the press conference, RoboCop does not recognise his wife and son. He apprehends a criminal among the crowd using his new database download. He becomes the new hero of Detroit. More of a robot than a human. As he continues with his duties reducing crime rate in Detroit, Clara is prevented from seeing Murphy.
Clara confronts RoboCop and tells him that he needs to see his son. RoboCop search deeper into who Clara and her son is. His emotions level starts to increase causing him to be more human than robot. He search deeper into his own case. He discovers that Vallon is behind his death and goes on a hunt for Vallon. Upon arriving to Vallon's warehouse, RoboCop gets ambushed. It was revealed that Vallon got a tip of RoboCop's arrival. The tip came from the police force. Vallon gets killed but not before injuring RoboCop severely. RoboCop returns to the police station and exposed the corrupt cops, the two officers that they meet at the beginning of the film. RoboCop also reveals that the Chief of Police is also one of the corrupt police. Before his arrests the Chief of Police, his system is shut down and Mattox.
Sellars goes on air with Pat Novak at the Novak Element show and uses RoboCop to his advantage in turning people against the Dreyfuss Act. As the voting goes underway for the Dreyfuss Act, Sellars announces that RoboCop is dead, which, in fact he is not dead. Sellars wants RoboCop offline because he starts to show his human side, going against the program.
Clara creates havoc by going to the press. Sellars calls to meet Clara and reveals that RoboCop died in the operation to fix him. Sellars orders Mattox to kill RoboCop. Dr. Dennett revives RoboCop and reveals that Sellars was behind the scheme to misuse RoboCop and gain the trust of the people to go against the Dreyfuss Act.
Sellars closes down OmniCorp's building and calls for the drones to kill RoboCop. Dr. Dennett seeks help from Jack. They helped RoboCop enter into OmniCorp. As RoboCop reaches the roof of the building, he confronts Sellars but is unable to kill him due to the device that tags people that OmniCorp robots cannot kill. However, RoboCop, or rather, Murphy, overcomes the program and kills Sellars.
At the end, it is reveald OCP, OmniCorp's parent company withdraws the RoboCop program and will review it until further notice (perhaps a hint to RoboCop 2?). Murphy gets a new body with the same colour as the original RoboCop.
In one scene where Sellars marketing is deciding on Robocop's look, we see a glimpse of the original RoboCop suit.
Here's a trailer:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The LEGO Movie

The Lego Movie. That's the name of the movie. Simple and direct. It's a Lego movie. Of course it's animated. It stars the voice of Christ Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Nick Offerman, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman and many more.
The movie starts with the evil Lord Business stealing the 'Kragle' from the wizard Vitruvius. It is said that the 'Kragle' will destroy their world. Vitruvius warns Lord Business of a prophecy that the 'Special' will find the Piece of Resistance and stop Lord Business.
8 and a half years later, we are introduced to Emmet Brickowski, an ordinary construction worker. He starts his day going through instructions; waking up, saying 'hi' to the neighbours, watch tv (Where's My Pants?), and yet talk to his plant which was supposed to be having fun with his loved ones. As he starts his day at work, the whole working community sings the same song..."everything is awesome!". He even said that he can sing it all day, which was what really happen about 5 hours later.
After work, Emmet wants to join the guys of the construction crew for some drinks but he gets ignored. He saw that there was someone (Wyldstyle) snooping around the construction site. He gets mesmerized with Wyldstyle's beauty and trip into a hole and gets visions. He awakens in a interrogation room with Bad Cop / Good Cop (split personality cop). Since it's Lego, the cop's head will spin to reveal whether he's bad cop or good cop. Emmet gets interrogated and found out that President Business is planning to destroy the world with the 'Kragle'. Wyldstyle enters and rescues Emmet. As they escape, Wyldstyle is able to build a getaway vehicle. Hence, she is one of the 'Master Builders'. Master Builders are those that can build anything without instructions, unlike Emmet. It is revealed that Lord Business has a vault of items that are alien to the Lego people. However, it's actually human items, such as plaster, diskette, coin, etc...The Kragle, you can see is actually smudged for 'Krazy Glue'. Lord Business uses it on Bad Cop's parents. Sticking them to their Lego pieces. And erases Good Cop, using a solvent and wiping Good Cop's face off.
Wyldstyle brings Emmet to meet Vitruvius. Vitruvius reveals the prophecy. There's a scene where they enter Emmet's mind and there was nothing. They realise Emmet has no creativity and not a Master Builder. However, they are ambushed by Bad Cop. As they escape, they are assisted by Batman, who's Wyldstyle's boyfriend.
They reach Cloud Cuckooland and gather the other Master Builders. As they meet, Emmet reveals he is not the 'Special'. And once again, gets ambushed by Bad Cop using a tracker on Emmet's feet. Cloud Cuckooland is destroyed with them narrowly escaping into the sea. However, they took damage and the ship exploded. They are saved by using Emmet's double bunker sofa. Something so simple and ignored by the cops. They are saved by Metal Beard (pirate). They regroup and realised that simplicity is the key. By following instructions, they would be regarded as just another Lego piece.
They plan the attack. Successfully enter Lord Business' building and just about to attached the Piece of Resistance, when the plan fail and they get caught. Vitruvius attempts to fight Lord Business but gets beheaded by a coin thrown by Lord Business. Vitruvius reveals that the prophecy was actually made up by him. Emmet is disappointed. Lord Business throws the Piece of Resistance to the edge of the universe (just at the bottom of his building). Lord Business activates the self-destruct button and unleashes the Kragle (Lord Business following the scene from Clash of the Titans, "Unleash the Kraken").
Vitruvius' ghost comes to Emmet and tell him that he still can save the world because it is through believing in himself that he can do wonders..."it's from a cat poster".
Emmet sacrifices himself and plunge into the edge of the universe and he is strapped to the battery that powers the self-destruct. The other Master Builders are freed while fighting off Lord Business. Lego people started to defend themselves by building creative weapons.
For Emmet, he enters the human world. He is just a Lego piece like what we see. Still, there's life in him. Of course he can't really move. If the Lego piece moves in real life, it would be freaky, yet, could be a new technology. Emmet sees that a boy is playing with the Lego pieces. And 'The Man Upstairs' is actually his father. The father tells his son that the Lego pieces are meant to be just the way they are. The son was being creative to build other things from the normal instructions of building Lego. The father ignores and wants everything to be as it is, just like Lord Business. So, the father starts to put everything back to its place and gluing them. In the Lego world, micro managers (which is actually human hands in real life) are putting everything back and gluing them down. Emmet, realising he needs to stop this, wills himself off the table and the little boy picks him up and puts him back on the Lego pieces (transporting him back to Lego world). As he enters the Lego world, he started to see visions of building structures. He started to build.
Emmet confronts Lord Business and tells him to end this. In mirrors the real life of the son talking to his father.
Emmet (son) convinces Lord Business. Lord Business (father) starts to realise that Lego should be played creatively. Lord Business uses the Piece of Resistance and plugs the Kragle. Lord Business unfreezes the Lego people (father uses solvent to remove the glue).
As the Lego world celebrates, so does the father and son playing with the Lego pieces. However, the father said, perhaps there can be another person joining them to play Lego...his sister!. In the Lego world, an alien race, Duplo is beemed down and tells the Lego people that they are here to invade them. So you can imagine a little baby sister coming to play with her big brother...disaster!
The movie was fun to watch. The graphics is great by using everything made of Lego. Even when Emmet was showering, the water were Lego pieces changing from blue (water) to white (bubbles). The movie has references to other movies and characters, such as "Unleash the Kragle", super heroes such as Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, etc...
A movie worth watching.

Here's the trailer:

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Ender's Game

Ender's Game is a 2013 American science fiction action movie. The movie is based on a novel of the same name, in 1985, as a military science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card. This movie stars Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Asa Butterfield, Ben Kingsley and Viola Davis.
The movie starts off with a quote from A.E. Wiggin,

"In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him."

The year is 2086, an alien species called the Formics attacks Earth. In the attack, Mazer Rackham sacrifice himself and blow up, what seems, to be the alien's main ship. And it ends there. It was a video shown to cadets at the school.
In school, Andrew 'Ender' Wiggin (A.E. Wiggin) plays a game with another student and the student lose. However, the student challenges Wiggin to another game which he refuses. And they are observed by Colonel Hyrum Graff and Major Gwen Anderson from the International Fleet. Colonel Graff observes how Wiggin handles the situation tactically. Graff question what would happen if Wiggin experience rejection through the removal of the monitor at the back of his neck. He gets bullied by the student and he retaliates by kicking the student down. This alarms Major Anderson but excites Graff as he thinks Ender is the one.
Ender goes home and tells his sister, Valentine. His brother comes in and plays a game with him. The game? Acting as the Formics and Peter (brother) chocking Ender.
Graff and Anderson come by Ender's house to recruit him into Battle School. Graff talks to Ender to convince him.
Ender joins the shuttle to Battle School. Graff introduces Ender to other 'launchies' as the person to beat. This cause Ender to be hated. However, Ender is smart enough to gain their respect. This was by Ender challenging Sergeant Dap.
Ender plays a 'mind game' that Anderson allows in order to understand the emotional state of the cadets. In the game, Ender plays as the mice that travels and meets a giant. The giant offers the mice two drinks, one of which is poisoned. Ender tries two of the drinks and finds both are poisoned. Ender, then, decides to kill the giant by going into the giant's eye.
Ender is transferred to a new group, Salamander Army. However, he is not liked by the Commander of the group, Bonzo. Petra, however, takes a liking for him. She teaches Ender how to fight. In their first game, Bonzo tells Ender to wait and watch. Ender, disobeys Bonzo and with the aid of Petra, devise a surprise attack. Bonzo disapproves.
In the 'mind game', Ender continues and saw a Formic. Within the game, Ender saw Valentine entering an abandoned castle. There was a snake and Peter in the game. Anderson and Graff couldn't figure out how the mind game could include Ender's family.
Ender gets his own army; Dragon Army. His team comprise of his former team/friends. In a twist to the game, Ender's army goes up against two army; one of which is the Salamander Army. Ender's army won. Bonzo feels threatened. Bonzo challenges Ender in the shower room. Ender defeats Bonzo by kicking him. Bonzo falls and hits his head, causing Bonzo to be sent home to recover.
Ender quits the academy. Graff tries to convince Ender to return. Ender refuses. Graff asked Valentine to convince him.
Ender rejoins his army and is brought to a new camp on the former Formic colony world. He meets Mazer Rackham, who was persumed dead. Ender asked Mazer Rackham what happened after the video that was shown in the academy. It seems that there was more after the video. Mazer Rackham told Ender that the video was intentionally cut to provoke the cadets of the danger of the Formics and be inspired to defend their world.
Ender is told that the high ranking officials are coming to see his final game; his graduation. He prepares his army. Ender is given a bigger army, with his Dragon Army leading. They are given the Molecular Detachment Device a.k.a. Little Doctor, that will destroy the Formics. As the final game is carried out, Ender gives it his all and successfully destroys the Formics and winning the game. However, it was revealed that the game was actually the real deal. Ender feels guilty to have destroyed a whole world. Graff says that he will be a hero. But Ender says he will be remembered as a killer. Ender gets sedated.
As Ender awakes from the sedation, he realises that it was actually the Formics communicating with him through the mind game. The castle and its architecture seems familiar to Ender. He realises that the similarities has been seen just outside his window in the open land; a mountain. He finds the queen of the Formics. The Formics is actually acting humanly; protecting its egg. The egg is the last of the Formics' generation. The queen wants to ensure the survival and they didn't intend to attack the humans. Ender gets promoted to Admiral and sends a letter to Valentine. He promises the queen to find them a new home as they fly off into space.