Arrow is from the DC Comics crime-fighter, Green Arrow. This series revolves around billionaire playboy, Oliver Queen, played by Stephen Amell. After surviving being stranded on an island after the shipwrecked, Oliver returns to Starling City. While on the island, he learns the art of shooting arrows, fighting and also some tricks.
Upon returning, he faces an old love, whom he was dating her sister. Laurel, Oliver's old flame, sister passed away on the boat that Oliver was in that shipwrecked. Laurel and her dad blames Oliver. Throughout the series, we see deceit, romance, action and all those superhero stories for an exciting series. There are some hint of Green Arrow's story, such as his future sidekick Speedy, or Black Canary, and other links to Green Arrow, including Merlyn, Green Arrow's archenemy. In the series, he is known more as The Vigilante. There is some indication of Green Arrow. For some fans, the wait for 'hints' of superheroes is a must. The first episode shows Stephen Amell working out especially climbing with the steel rod at the factory, which was a craze of women. Perhaps, it was the first time we see such workout on screen.
The movie is entering its second season and the first season has been great. I hope that it will be as great as Smallville (even though Smallville has its down time, still a great series).
This is a sitcom series revolves around a single father, George Altman, and his daughter, Tessa Altman, moving from New York to the suburbs. Tessa does not like moving because she loves New York. The suburbs remind her of The Stepford Wives and it's all perfect, too perfect; the grass is greener, every morning the community waters their garden and plastic. Suburgatory is a combination of 'suburban' and 'purgatory'. Suburban area and purgatory, as in between heaven and hell. Tessa finds it hard to fit in but over time, she finds her way to fit in while having a hint that she likes the suburbs. George is also fitting in with the first season portraying George likeable, especially one episode that he was in the school's PTA and helping the PTA ladies on men's issue. George has a friend, Alan, George's best friend, who is a dentist. Sheila is the busy body in the series, especially since she is George's front neighbour.
The series is entertaining to watch, especially how the Altman are trying to fit in. It has three season around its belt and looking forward for more seasons to come. An entertaining series.